Life Sciences Market Ready Space
Job Summary
Throughout the greater Bay Area Rylko Builders has been collaborating with brokers, landlords’ and developers to create innovative solutions in support of the Life-Science market. The growing Life Science tenants are seeking an efficient, cost-conscious solution for expansion; and what a better way to attract the tenants than providing the adequate power, water, air, and ISO ratings that allow flexibility for a majority of the Life Science/R&D market.
Rylko completed a turn-key lab space on the Peninsula in November of 2021. The 9,000 sq. ft. buildouts consist of power flexibility (power pulls), CDA drops, ESD flooring, benching, shipping/receiving area as well as extensive IDF and electrical room for plenty of power; allowing for large equipment/refrigeration units. The Rylko team built multiple benching stations providing air lines and drops, rinse station, power and casework for a plug and play lite lab/R&D. Separate from the individual benching rooms were two open R&D spaces with power pulls, TVs for production processing and ESD flooring. The project also included two large conference rooms, huddle rooms and an open office space concealed by glass corridors to provide maximum flexibility.